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r Resources Management in an Interdisciplinary and Changing Context"

Porto, Portugal, 26th-29th June 2013


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Deadline for abstract submissions: 30th of November 2012. NEW DATE: 21st of December 2012

Date of notification on the final acceptance of abstracts: 15th of January 2013.

The abstracts should be submitted electronically in one of the addresses:

ewra2013@fe.up.pt or ewra2013@ewra.net.

The abstracts should be written following the template for abstracts submission.

(The abstracts should include the title, the names of the authors, their full affiliation and their proposal for the type of presentation (oral or poster). The length of the text should be between 200 and 250 words. Additionally they should include 3 to 5 highlights in bullet form with their main findings).




Authors who received (by e-mail) a positive evaluation for their submitted abstract, are kindly asked to submit a full paper no later than the 21st March 2013 5th of April 2013, following the “Template” provided and complying with the requirements described in the “Guide for Authors” and the “Authors Publication Ethics” followed by EWRA. The size limit for full papers is between 3000 and 6000 words, including tables and figures. Each table/figure is equivalent to 300 words.


The full paper submitted will undergo peer-review and the authors will be informed of final acceptance of papers for presentation by the 30th April 2013.


The final version of the full paper will have to be submitted to the EWRA Secretariat (ewra2013@fe.up.pt) together with:

- the “Copyright Transfer” form completed and signed.

- the name of the presenting author.


Each participant will be allowed to present only one paper (oral or poster). Therefore, for each accepted paper, one participant should be registered. All accepted papers (oral or poster) will be evaluated for possible publication in one of the journals of EWRA.


Additionally to the full paper, we are preparing a book of abstracts for the Conference participants. We kindly ask the authors to go through a careful review of the abstract, taking into account the template already uploaded on the website and, when applicable, a thorough English review. The reviewed abstract shall be (re)-submitted with the full paper.


We remind you that late submissions will not be considered and papers that do not conform to the template will not be accepted.

© EWRAnet 2013